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Rabbi Gross Shiurim

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Rav’s Recent Drasha at Ner Yisroel Melava Malka

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Parshas Lech Lecha

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The Essence of Behab

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hilchos rosh Hashanah

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Hilchos aseres yemei teshuva

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The halachos of the three weeks

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A Historic day in Derech Chaim

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The Sister of the Aderes and Pesach Sheni

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הלכות שילוח הקן

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Five Minute Halacha eries- Beha"b

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Divrei Hesped on Hagaon Harav Dovid Soloveitchik ZT"L

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The halachos and hashkafos of asarah b'teves that falls out on erev Shabbos- in five minutes - a shiur from the rov

Rov | -

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The mysterious תענית of תשעה בטבת

Rov | -

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Forgery, cryptography and other Curiosities found in Seforim throughout History

Rov Gross | 11/26/2020

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The Parameters of a Mitzvah Nimsheches and Dovid HaMelech

Rav Gross | -

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Borei Pri HaGafen at a Wedding - Who is Yotzei

Rav Gross | -

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The Prohibition of Saying Torah Sh'Bichsav by Heart

Rav Gross | -

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Violating an Issur to Save Yourself From a More Severe Issur

Rav Gross | -

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What's Considered Chilul Shabbos

Rav Gross | -

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Kiddush in Shul - Wonderful or Not

Rav Gross | -

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I Ate on a Taanis - Can I Get an Aliyah LaTorah

Rav Gross | -

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Hunting - Is It Permitted

Rav Gross | -

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Murder through Magic

Rav Gross | -

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Forcing Others to Do a Mitzvah

Rav Gross | -

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Every Step You Take - S'char Pesiyos

Rav Gross | -

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Tue, January 21 2025 21 Teves 5785