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Divrei Chizuk on the Parsha

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Erev Shabbos Vayakhel 5782

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Erev Shabbos Tetzaveh

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Parshas Teruma

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Parshas Mishpatim

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Parshas Yisro

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Parshas Beshalach

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Parshas Bo

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Parshas Va'era

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Parshas Vayechi

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Parshas Vayigash

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Parshas Meiketz

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Parshas Vayaishev

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Parshas Vayshlicah 5782

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Parshas Vayatzai

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Parshas Toldos

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Parshas chaya Sara

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Parshas Vayera

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Parshas Noach

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Parshas Hazeinu- 5782

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Parshas Vaylach

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Parshas Nitzavim

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Parshas Ki Seitzei

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Parshas Shoftim

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Parshas Re'eh

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Parshas Devarim 5781

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Parshas Matos- Masei

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Parshas Pinchas 5781

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Parshas Balak 5781

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Parshas Chukas

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Parshas Korach 5781

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Behaloscha 5781

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Parshas Naso

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Achrei-Mos Kedoshim

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Erev Shabbos Message- Tazria-Metzorah

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Erev Shabbos Message From Rov- Shemini

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Parshas Vayikra

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Erev Shabbos Message From Rov- Vayakhel-Pekudei

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Ki Sisa

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Erev Shabbos Message- Purim

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Terumah 5781

Rov | -

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Yisro

Rov | -

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Beshalach

Rov | 01/29/2021

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Bo

Rov | -

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Erev Shabbos Message From Rov- Va'era

Rov | -

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Rov Gross | -

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Rov Gross | -

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Rov Gross | -

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Dicrei Chizuk on the Parshas - Emor

Rov Gross | 05/07/2020

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Acharei Kos / Kedoshim

Rov Gross | 04/30/2020

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Erev Shabbos Message- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim

| 05/01/2020

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Tazria Metzora 5780

Rov Gross | 04/23/2020

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Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785