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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Beshalach

Title: Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Beshalach
Speaker: Rov
Date Recorded: 01/29/2021
Length: 00:00:00 Views: 239
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The mysterious תענית of תשעה בטבת

Rov | -

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The halachos and hashkafos of asarah b'teves that falls out on erev Shabbos- in five minutes - a shiur from the rov

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Erev Shabbos Message from Rov- Vayigash 5781

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Erev Shabbos Message- Vayechi

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An Introduction to Sefer Shemos- a Short Shiur from the Rov

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Va'era

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Erev Shabbos Message From Rov- Va'era

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Bo

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Tazria Metzora 5780

Rov Gross | 04/23/2020

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Erev Shabbos Message- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim

| 05/01/2020

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Acharei Kos / Kedoshim

Rov Gross | 04/30/2020

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Dicrei Chizuk on the Parshas - Emor

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Rov Gross | -

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Erev Shabbos Message From Rov- Va'era

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Erev Shabbos Message- Parshas Bo

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Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784